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Capitol Man 12:12 Sat Oct 28
Re: Rugby World Cup
As I said Lomas, it's been overplayed, much on here by the usual suspects with the victim mentality.

But I'd be very surprised if he had zero awareness of what he was saying to Curry or very much in his proximity.

England did better than expected through the tournament - despite an easy path. Just so poor in terms of creativity. Hopefully they can go back and build from scratch, but they need to decide what game they want to play.

Ireland have become very effective as shifting the ball out of contact, or letting the ball go just before contact to change the point of attack. Be interesting to see if they can sustain what they have built over the past few years with a few key players retiring.

Hopefully for England there can be a bit of time to develop a new gameplan and get the right players the experience to make it happen.

Jonah Lomas 12:00 Sat Oct 28
Re: Rugby World Cup
So what did he actually say Captol?

Was it in English? Afrikaans? Another language peculiar to the area he was born?

Why did he specifically say it to Curry?

Why would he call someone a white cunt when he plays with white people?

Why should he stop using Afrikaans when that's pretty much all they use on the field?

Why is everyone so upset and offended on Curry's behalf?

Where's the evidence of any wrong-doing?

Etc etc

Capitol Man 11:53 Fri Oct 27
Re: Rugby World Cup
nich the d 9:17 Fri Oct 27
Re: Rugby World Cup

& Lomas

and the point with there's enough English language with the player or the rest of the side and he's played international rugby for long enough to understand that this particular phrase when spoken could be problematic. That we do know.

It's all be a bit overblown though.

It's a shame the best sides in the tournament got unlucky and didn't make the final. Six or seven times out of ten France beats SA and Ireland beats the ABs.

Since they got past those many years when Kiwi's would fold tournament after tournament both they and SA have a bit more experience and nous of performing when the chips are down.

LeroysBoots 11:39 Fri Oct 27
Re: Rugby World Cup
Fuck.me this England team are tedious

Dull dull dull, not exciting rugby at all

Hermit Road 11:14 Fri Oct 27
Re: Rugby World Cup
You hear a lot about how good VAR is in rugby when it’s fallen short in football.

That was a joke for their first try.

swindon hammer 11:10 Fri Oct 27
Re: Rugby World Cup
Fair enough Jonah.

RM10 11:10 Fri Oct 27
Re: Rugby World Cup
Your right on that Jonah 😂

, 11:09 Fri Oct 27
Re: Rugby World Cup
Clear forward during the build up to the Argie try. The officials owe England a favour now.

Jonah Lomas 10:54 Fri Oct 27
Re: Rugby World Cup
Of course i am.

But just about every other thread on here is an argument between the same half dozen people and constant whinging about everything.

So I don't bother even reading most threads.

But, I'll always be here for the rugby thread.

swindon hammer 10:40 Fri Oct 27
Re: Rugby World Cup

So you aren’t even a West Ham fan?

Jonah Lomas 10:20 Fri Oct 27
Re: Rugby World Cup
El Scorchio

I am literally ONLY here for the rugby chat. I'll be back to having a very occasional browse from Sunday.

Just a shame that most of the decent rugby posters are gone.

El Scorchio 4:03 Fri Oct 27
Re: Rugby World Cup
This is desperation:

Re: Rugby World Cup (2023-10-27 13:39:30)
Re: Rugby World Cup (2023-10-27 13:25:17)
Re: Rugby World Cup (2023-10-26 16:49:55)
Re: Rugby World Cup (2023-10-26 16:39:01)
Re: Rugby World Cup (2023-10-26 12:59:23)
Re: Rugby World Cup (2023-10-26 12:53:22)
Re: Rugby World Cup (2023-10-26 12:42:40)
Re: Rugby World Cup (2023-10-26 12:40:09)
Re: Rugby World Cup (2023-10-26 12:30:52)
Re: Rugby World Cup (2023-10-26 12:14:27)
Re: Rugby World Cup (2023-10-26 11:43:36)
Re: Rugby World Cup (2023-10-24 20:12:03)
Re: Rugby World Cup (2023-10-24 11:42:28)
Re: Rugby World Cup (2023-10-24 06:49:50)
Re: Rugby World Cup (2023-10-22 23:07:19)
Re: Rugby World Cup (2023-10-22 01:47:11)
Re: Rugby World Cup (2023-10-22 01:41:24)
Re: Rugby World Cup (2023-10-22 00:52:05)
Re: Rugby World Cup (2023-10-22 00:42:07)
Re: Rugby World Cup (2023-10-22 00:39:24)
Re: Rugby World Cup (2023-10-16 20:58:26)
Re: Rugby World Cup (2023-10-16 20:51:44)
Re: Rugby World Cup (2023-10-15 05:11:26)
Re: Rugby World Cup (2023-10-14 08:44:56)
Re: Rugby World Cup (2023-10-14 08:35:25)
Re: JONESY Old school WHO'er RiP Update: Inc images from service! (2023-09-25 21:24:47)
Re: Smoking to be banned. (2023-09-25 21:12:58)
Re: Smoking to be banned. (2023-09-24 00:54:01)
Re: Stephen Fry on Kuntsberg (2023-09-13 01:22:55)
Re: Rugby World Cup (2023-09-09 00:30:09)
Re: Rugby World Cup (2023-09-09 00:24:39)
Re: Rugby World Cup (2023-09-09 00:21:33)
Re: Rugby World Cup (2023-09-08 23:18:32)
Re: Rugby World Cup (2023-09-08 22:19:31)
Re: England - Australia Ashes (2023-07-03 14:55:57)
Re: England - Australia Ashes (2023-07-03 14:42:10)
Re: England - Australia Ashes (2023-07-03 14:37:07)
Re: England - Australia Ashes (2023-07-03 14:23:48)
Re: England - Australia Ashes (2023-07-03 14:12:56)
Re: England - Australia Ashes (2023-07-03 14:10:03)
Re: England - Australia Ashes (2023-07-03 14:02:29)
Re: England - Australia Ashes (2023-07-03 13:24:47)
Re: England - Australia Ashes (2023-07-03 13:17:21)
Re: England - Australia Ashes (2023-07-03 12:48:34)
Re: England - Australia Ashes (2023-07-03 12:44:33)
Re: England - Australia Ashes (2023-07-02 22:30:51)
Re: England - Australia Ashes (2023-07-02 22:25:59)
Re: England - Australia Ashes (2023-07-02 22:17:42)
Re: England - Australia Ashes (2023-07-02 22:16:54)
Re: Cheap flights to Australia (2023-04-29 14:32:45)
Re: Cheap flights to Australia (2023-04-29 12:12:12)

Side of Ham 3:36 Fri Oct 27
Re: Rugby World Cup
It’s a Commonwealth final really….only the French have prevented this being the case and they are hardly the ‘World’ as a singular nation…crack on thinking the Kiwis being good at rugby means anything though…. Globally…

Jonah Lomas 1:39 Fri Oct 27
Re: Rugby World Cup
Desperation? Ha ha

We've got a world cup final to worry about.

Guess who's playing in it? Bongi Mbonambi.

Guess who isn't? Tom Curry.

Lee Trundle 1:32 Fri Oct 27
Re: Rugby World Cup
Jonah's desperation here makes him look even more guilty.

Jonah Lomas 1:25 Fri Oct 27
Re: Rugby World Cup
Capitol Man 2:52 Fri Oct 27

I have no idea what he's saying.

And neither do you.

It could be white cunt, wyd kant, wit kant or something else.

If, as nich says below, English may well be his 3rd language, should he not use common words from his 1st or 2nd language because they sound like something else in another language?

You know, in the middle of a world cup semi final, run through a quick checklist.

If you've ever been to a test match involving SA, pretty much the only time you hear them speak English is to the ref.

It makes complete sense for them to speak Afrikaans, no other team can understand them.

Not aware of any other teams being offended by it either.

, 10:57 Fri Oct 27
Re: Rugby World Cup
Could be their last England international for several players tonight in addition to the likes of Lawes and Youngs.

Be good to have fifteen players on the pitch for eighty minutes as well.

nich the d 9:17 Fri Oct 27
Re: Rugby World Cup
Lee Trundle wrote...

Re: Rugby World Cup
Only 10% speak Afrikaans there, FC.

As a HOME language, yes (13.5%) BUT Afrikaans is a widely spoken second language. Mbonambi coming from Bethlehem in the Free State would probably have grown up with Afrikaans as his second language (and English as probably a third language although he went to an English language high school).

Capitol Man 2:52 Fri Oct 27
Re: Rugby World Cup

Jonah Lomas 4:49 Thu Oct 26
Re: Rugby World

Don’t be fucking ridiculous - you can’t tell me that someone speaking both languages doesn’t know what he’s saying - it also doesn’t relate to ANYTHING in the game.

If it’s a line out call then the entire pack and much of the bench would have to memorize it beforehand and you think not one of them, or the coaches would have pointed out there was a problem with it.

Eerie Descent 5:24 Thu Oct 26
Re: Rugby World Cup
You find racism funny now, Zeb?

You used to be out on the streets protesting about it back in the day apparently, what's changed?

zebthecat 5:17 Thu Oct 26
Re: Rugby World Cup
Reminds me of this Alan Partridge moment.


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